What if life was never meant to be a struggle?

What if you were made to live in the kind of flow states that athlete’s call “the zone”, musicians call “the groove”, 3P’ers call “the feeling”, and Taoist sages called Wu Wei, or “effortless effort”?

There is an energy and intelligence behind life. When we settle down and get quiet, we can feel it coursing through our bodies and filling our entire being with vibrancy and aliveness. It’s not just a “nice” feeling – it’s f*cking gorgeous. And learning to live in and from that beautiful feeling is the purpose and promise of this program.

Over the course of five months, we’ll be filling ourselves up with the fullness of life and opening ourselves up to the wisdom of the ages. Our conversations will be rich with laughter and feeling and honesty and Truth (with a deliberately capital “T”). We’ll be exploring the invisible principles behind the human experience and learning to embrace the spiritual nature of life without embarrassment, fear, or shame.

You’ll get the chance to get intimately familiar with your own true nature, and then take it out into the world until being yourself feels as natural as it actually is. Above all, you’ll have fun, learn heaps, and come alive to a sense of freedom and possibility that most people only dream might be possible!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

-Howard Thurman

Here’s how it all works:

The Fullness of Life
September 6th-8th in Los Angeles 10am-5pm (or live-streaming wherever you are in the world) 

In September, we’ll be cleaning and polishing the mirror of Consciousness to take a fresh look at who and what you really are. You’ll finish these three days overflowing with energy and ready to take on the world, even though the world may start looking a lot kinder and less in need of being taken on.

Venue : Hotel MdR Marina del Rey – a DoubleTree by Hilton, 13480 Maxella Ave, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

The venue is in Marina del Rey, adjacent to Villa Marina Marketplace Mall. Moments from the harbor, and 15 minutes from Santa Monica and Venice Beach. Los Angeles International Airport is four miles away.

Unf*cking Your Relationship with Money
October 4th 8am -1pm PT (online)

This month, you’ll get the chance to make a clean break with the old and begin a new relationship with the most commonly perceived obstacle and key to convenience in the world of form – money. Because this is such a big topic for so many people, you’ll not only get to spend a day with me online getting out of your own way when it comes to money, you’ll also automatically be enrolled in our three week public exploration of the same topic.

Uncovering your Soul Path
November 1st 8am-1pm PT (online)

In November, you’ll begin to distinguish what you actually want from all the things you think you’re supposed to want out of life, and get a feel for the difference between trying to make things happen and letting them unfold. Life will begin to feel more magical, and your sense of being guided through it will be stronger than ever.

Effortless Effort
December 6th 8am-1pm PT (online)

By December, you’ll already have multiple experiences of cool things happening without you having to have struggled and efforted and stressed to “make them” happen. During our day together online, we’ll be taking things further to see how it’s not only possible to eliminate pressure and stress from your life, it actually allows you to be way more effective in the world.

The Best Year of Your Life
January 10th 8am-1pm PT (online)

Finally, our day together online in January will be a chance to create 2025 as The Best Year of Your Life. I’ll guide you through the same process I use each year to take stock of where I am, open up to new possibilities, and play a bigger game in the year ahead. You’ll finish the program with a massively expanded sense of who you are, what’s really on offer in the human experience, and how good life can actually get!


Each month from September to December we’ll also grab an hour together for a live recording of a Q&A session where I’ll answer the key questions that have come up for you around our topic. When it feels useful, I’ll also create and send out some additional video sessions going deeper into the monthly theme.

Monthly Q&A Dates:

  • September 16th at 10:30am PT / 6:30pm UK
  • October 21st at 10:30am PT / 6:30pm UK
  • November 25th at 10:30am PT / 6:30pm UK
  • December 16th at 10:30am PT / 6:30pm UK

All sessions will be recorded and you will have lifetime access to the streaming video and audio of the full day sessions and audio reccordings of our Q&A sessions.

At the end of June I gave the first early-bird masterclass for the program. While the Q&A section is reserved for once you’re booked on the program, I wanted to share the opening ramble with you so you can get a more real-time sense of what we’ll be exploring together and how much of a difference it can and will make in your life.

You can watch the video here:

The full cost for the program is $1495 – that includes three live/live-streaming days, four online days (8am – 1pm Pacific), the monthly Q&A, and the chance to come more fully alive to the fullness of life and the adventure of living.

If you book today you can get instant access to the early-bird webinar recordings.

“A modern day Alan Watts – Michael Neill does the brilliant job of using intelligence, humor, and heart to blend the sacred with the profane and gently reveal the deeper spiritual nature of everyday life.

Mike Dooley, NYT bestselling-author and creator of “Notes from the Universe”

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker, described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane”. The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.

He has spent more than three decades as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to founders, CEOs, celebrities, royalty, and those who are up to something in the world. His global client base is wide and diverse, having served clients in North America, UK, Europe, and the Middle East in the fields of investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, the entertainment and media industry, and more. He has been consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and other legends in the field as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world, and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields of expertise.

A gifted communicator, Michael has authored six best-selling books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within, and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents. His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by over two million people around the world and his blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, has  been  entertaining  and  inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years.