by Michael Neill | Jan 18, 2016
One of the things I love about writing relatively short blog posts on a relatively regular basis is that I get to experience the whole of the creative process from start to finish. I begin each week with some kind of nothing (more on this in a bit), and by the time...
by Michael Neill | Jan 11, 2016
Over twenty years ago, I was living in London and reading an exceptional amount of Eastern spiritual writings when I stumbled across a book called “The Teachings of Ramana Maharishi“. There was a simple practice outlined in the book where the reader was encouraged to...
by Michael Neill | Jan 11, 2016
Il y a plus de vingt ans, pendant mon temps à Londres, je passais énormément de temps à lire des livres sur la spiritualité Orientale quand je suis tombé sur un livre de Ramana Maharishi. Il y avait une pratique décrite dans le livre où le lecteur devait s’engager...
by Michael Neill | Jan 4, 2016
Depuis 1994, je démarrais chaque année en passant par un merveilleux processus développé par Jinny Ditzler qui s’appelle Your Best Year Yet. (Votre meilleure année jusque-là). Je jetais un regard sur mes accomplissements et échecs de l’année passée, cherchais des...
by Michael Neill | Jan 4, 2016
Since 1994, I have begun each year by going through a wonderful process developed by Jinny Ditzler called Your Best Year Yet. I would review my achievements and failures from the year before, look for any limiting beliefs that might be holding me back, check in...