“I Know it’s Just my Thinking, but…”
In 2012, three years after having successfully launched an international training school for coaches called Supercoach Academy, I put the school on hold for a year because I noticed something was “off” in the way people were hearing the principles
Quelle est la différence entre un objectif et un miracle ? 2ème partie
La semaine dernière, j’ai commencé une conversation au sujet de la relation essentiel entre les objectifs et les miracles – entre ce qui peut être amené à fruition à travers nos efforts personnels et nos intentions, et ce qui arrive au-delà du cadre de l’intervention...What’s the Difference Between a Goal and a Miracle? (part two)
Last week, I began a conversation about the essential relationship between goals and miracles – between that which can be brought about through our own personal efforts and intentions and that which occurs beyond the scope of human