by Michael Neill | Dec 14, 2015
I’ve been thinking a lot about miracles this week – what they are, where they might come from, and whether or not they have any relevance in our modern world. It occurs to me that there are a couple of distinctions which mark out what we might call a “miracle” from stuff that just happens or goals we work hard to achieve…
by Michael Neill | Dec 7, 2015
Quand les gens commencent à apprendre que tout ce que l’on voit, entend, goûte, touche et sent est fait à partir de la pensée, il y a une chose intéressante qui se passe de manière remarquablement consistante. La première c’est que un problème dont ils souffraient...
by Michael Neill | Dec 7, 2015
When people first begin learning about how everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is made up of thought, there’s an interesting thing that happens with remarkable consistency. The first is that some problem they’d been suffering with in their life “pops”, in the sense that they either find an easy solution, make their peace with it…
by Michael Neill | Nov 30, 2015
In 1919, a cartoonist named LeRoy Robert Ripley released the first of a new series of daily panels which shared bizarre but true facts and stories from around the world. Over 100,000 cartoons later, “Ripley’s Believe it or Not!” has spawned books, radio series, TV...
by Michael Neill | Nov 30, 2015
Croyez-Le ou Non ! #1002 En 1919, le dessinateur, LeRoy Robert Ripley, a publié le premier d’une nouvelle série de bandes où il partageait des faits et des histoires bizarres mais vrais venant de partout dans le monde. Avec plus de 100 000 dessins, « Ripley’s Believe...