by Michael Neill | Nov 23, 2015
Une Toute Nouvelle Manière de Penser au Rapport (#1001) Quand j’ai entamé ma formation de coach en 1989, une des choses la plus importante qui nous a été enseignée, c’était l’importance du rapport dans les relations – cette sensation de bienveillance entre vous et...
by Michael Neill | Nov 23, 2015
When I started my training as a coach back in 1989, one of the most important things they taught us was the importance of rapport in relationships – that feeling of goodwill between you and your client, customer, or loved ones that both greased the wheels of any interaction and served as a safety net for any time you needed to “go out on a limb”
by Michael Neill | Nov 16, 2015
MNCT 1000 – De Pequeñas Bellotas…. “El viaje de mil millas empieza con un sólo paso.” – Lao Tzu En 1999, uno de mis mentores me llevó a un lado y me dijo “El problema contigo es que eres demasiado creativo para tu propio bien.” Todavía no...
by Michael Neill | Nov 16, 2015
In 1999, one of my mentors took me to one side and said “The problem with you is that you’re too creative for your own good.” Not yet sure whether to be insulted or flattered, I listened on as he continued “You come up with all of these...
by Michael Neill | Nov 2, 2015
MNCT 998 – Amar a otros al tercer nivel de profundidad “La intimidad no es un justo medio. Es una manera de estar en la que la tensión entre la distancia y la proximidad se disuelve y aparece un nuevo horizonte. La intimidad está más allá del miedo.”...