Teacher | Catalyst | Author | Speaker

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker, described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane”. The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.
In his role as CEO of Genius Catalyst Inc. since its inception in the UK in 1990 to its incorporation in the USA in 2007 and beyond, Michael has spearheaded its growth from consultancy to a multi-media organisation delivering services to tens of thousands of loyal customers each year through live training, online courses, and self-study programs.
He has also spent more than three decades as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to founders, CEOs, celebrities, royalty, and those who are up to something in the world. His global client base is wide and diverse, having served clients in North America, UK, Europe, and the Middle East in the fields of investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, the entertainment and media industry, and more. He has been consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and other legends in the field as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world, and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields of expertise.
A gifted communicator, Michael has authored six best-selling books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within, and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents. His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by over two million people around the world and his blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, has been entertaining and inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years.

“A modern day Alan Watts – Michael Neill does the brilliant job of using intelligence, humor, and heart to blend the sacred with the profane and gently reveal the deeper spiritual nature of everyday life.“
Mike Dooley, NYT bestselling-author and creator of “Notes from the Universe”
Listen to Michael explaining and exploring the inside-out understanding to new audiences in a variety of forms and formats.
“Michael Neill is one of my favorite people to interview – warm and funny with consistently fascinating pieces of wisdom.”
– Paul McKenna, Host of The Positivity Podcast
“I love talking to Michael. He always gives a fresh, inspiring take on life. His voice is soothing and wise. Interviews with him are full of nuggets you want to take home and treasure”
– Susie Pearl, Host of Conversations with Susie Pearl
With an illustrious career as a broadcaster spanning three decades, Michael is a skilled and engaging communicator. His talks, retreats and seminars on leadership, creativity, resilience, and effortless success have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents around the world.